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The temperature rise in Indonesia averaged 1 degree Celsius

The temperature rise in Indonesia averaged 1 degree Celsius

temperature in indonesia

Temperatures in Indonesia in 2000-2100 estimated average rise of 1 degree Celsius, higher than the increase in the previous century, at 0.65 degrees. Although only 1 degree, the impact is serious.

"Changes in the environment due to human activity triggered by the higher air temperatures rise," said Professor of Hydrology, Faculty of Geography, Gadjah Mada University, Sudibyakto, contacted from Jakarta, Wednesday (11/28/2012).

The increase in temperature of 1 degree celsius not happen evenly. Areas with severe environmental damage higher gains.

Up 1 degree Celsius rise in mean maximum temperature and minimum temperature falling by 1 degree. Temperature range of an increasingly wide area, increasing public health threat.

Increased temperatures also alter rainfall patterns. Hydro-meteorological disasters, such as floods, landslides, and droughts, will be increasingly common.

The Center for Climate Change ITB Armi Susandi warned climate change will make the Central Sumatra getting wet. In Aceh, the higher rainfall.

Rainfall in Java and Lampung increased, but lower than the Sumatra. However, the risk is higher because the area is densely populated and high economic activity.

The opposite condition occurs in Kalimantan became increasingly dry. Land and forest fire risk increases.

The increase in rainfall also occurred in East Nusa Tenggara. Although there is a risk of landslides, if it can be managed properly, it will keep the area dry so fertile. "The impact of climate change in each unique area so that patterns of adaptation and mitigation in each area is different," said Armi.

Society is considered to understand the impact of climate change and to adapt. "However, disaster risk information need more delivered," said Sudibyakto.
Armi judgment, unpreparedness instead of the government. "The concept of climate change in the government is very weak," he said. Infrastructure anticipate climate change is very weak. The more the government does not want to invest in the face of climate change, the greater the economic loss.

Panas Merupakan Salah Satu Potensi Munculnya Badai

Panas Merupakan Salah Satu Potensi Munculnya Badai

Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika, Minggu (13/1/2013), menginformasikan, suhu muka laut menghangat di Laut Arafura dan Samudra Pasifik sebelah timur Filipina. Hal ini memicu kembali siklon tropis yang menimbulkan gangguan cuaca di Indonesia.

Pumpunan angin terjadi memanjang dari Sumatera bagian selatan hingga Laut Banda. Ini menyebabkan peningkatan aktivitas pertumbuhan awan hujan pada pekan ini di wilayah Sumatera bagian tengah dan selatan, wilayah Jawa, serta Kalimantan bagian utara, barat, dan selatan.

Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi bagian selatan dan tengah, Maluku, Maluku Tenggara, serta Papua juga berpotensi mengalami gangguan cuaca berupa hujan lebat dan angin kencang.

”Terpicunya potensi badai di utara khatulistiwa, yakni di perairan timur Filipina, kini dipengaruhi kuatnya angin pasat dari tenggara atau perairan Pasifik timur Australia,” kata Zadrach Leudofij Dupe dari Departemen Meteorologi Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB).

Zadrach mengatakan, kuatnya angin pasat dari tenggara membawa suhu hangat. Saat ini suhu perairan Samudra Pasifik sebelah timur Australia meningkat karena pengaruh posisi matahari di selatan khatulistiwa.

Dampaknya, di Negara Bagian Tasmania, Australia, tercatat rekor suhu tertinggi mencapai 41 derajat celsius sejak pencatatan dilakukan pada 1880-an.

Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) terus memantau perkembangan kondisi tekanan rendah di perairan Arafura dan timur Filipina. Menurut Kepala Pusat Meteorologi BMKG Mulyono Prabowo, peluang terjadinya siklon tropis pada Januari masih satu kali.

Sementara itu, siklon tropis Narelle masih berlangsung di Samudra Hindia, 1.900 kilometer barat daya Denpasar, Bali. Dalam 72 jam ke depan diperkirakan siklon terus melemah dan akan meluruh ketika memasuki daratan Australia barat.

Menurut BMKG, siklon Narelle masih berdampak pada tingginya gelombang laut. Gelombang setinggi 3-4 meter berpeluang terjadi di perairan barat Lampung, Selat Sunda bagian selatan, perairan selatan Jawa sampai Nusa Tenggara, perairan selatan Pulau Sumba, perairan Pulau Sawu, Pulau Rote sampai Kupang, dan Laut Timor. Gelombang setinggi 4-5 meter berpeluang terjadi di Samudra Hindia selatan Jawa hingga Nusa Tenggara.

Bantuan untuk nelayan
Pekan lalu, Menteri Koordinator Kesejahteraan Rakyat Agung Laksono mengizinkan penggunaan cadangan beras pemerintah di Bulog untuk mengatasi kesusahan nelayan saat musim buruk ini agar tak menimbulkan kerawanan sosial.

”Dinas kelautan ataupun dinas sosial di daerah agar memonitor kampung-kampung nelayan. Lakukan tanggap darurat bagi nelayan yang tidak bisa melaut. Kalau ada nelayan tak bisa melaut dua hingga tiga hari, bisa dibantu dengan cadangan beras di Bulog,” ujarnya, di Jakarta.

Cuaca buruk mengganggu kehidupan nelayan yang mata pencariannya bergantung pada laut. Agung mengatakan, laporan BMKG menunjukkan, selama sepekan mendatang terjadi gelombang tinggi dan angin kencang di sebagian wilayah Indonesia. ”Pergunakan informasi BMKG secara baik. Kalau ada gelombang tinggi, jangan izinkan nelayan berlayar. Berbahaya,” ungkapnya. ”Kita memasuki bulan yang penuh ancaman bencana. Saya ingatkan gubernur, bupati, dan wali kota untuk mengerahkan sumber daya guna menolong korban bencana alam.” Seperti diinformasikan, puncak musim hujan adalah Januari-Februari.

Abdul Halim dari Koalisi Rakyat untuk Keadilan Perikanan menghargai upaya bantuan beras bagi nelayan yang tidak bisa melaut. ”Namun, sangat disayangkan jika kewajiban pemerintah hanya sebatas cadangan beras bencana,” katanya.

Seharusnya, menurut Abdul, nelayan bisa diberi pelatihan keterampilan bekerja selain melaut sehingga bisa dimanfaatkan untuk mencari nafkah saat cuaca buruk. Bukan membuat mereka berpangku tangan dengan bantuan beras.

Source : Kompas



So beautiful. . .
When the two lovebirds who love each other
Sharing the love is always with when joy and sorrow
At the moment they hit the flames separated tags
Like the earth and the sky are balanced
Nothing and no one can separate two hearts are united
Story of tears, humor, sorrow, laughter, happy together
Stories like this always colored their stories
So they could be mature
When it comes insistently problem
How long they will stay together. . .
Could. . .
They will be together forever. . .
I know everything in this world
No exception of their love
It will not last forever
Until they do not feel the greatness of their love
Will. . .
Love these two lovebirds will be eternal
Later until later
Life is never indescribable
After this life
Hopefully they get the love keiklasan
Blessing of the almighty merciful :)
By; acung Carus

Sad poems 'in silence'


in silence

Everything has gone
Leave this city
The crowds have gone
When all'll never go back
Alone, frightened, indecisive heart
When there is no longer a friend
When confused direction and purpose
Can survive
Could it be saved
with hopes
Fear tuk, undergo
In despair
now he felt

By; acung carus

Instructions for life on mars 'flower'

Instructions for life on mars 'flower'

Spacecraft Aviation and Space Agency's United States (NASA) re-capture unique images of Mars. This time, Curiosity capturing objects later called interest in Mars.

The photos were taken while moving Curiosity Mars region called the Yellowknife Bay. NBC journalist and photographer, Ken Kramer, Curiosity has edited the image to make it more realistic.

Whether the object is indeed interest in Mars? Surely not. Term interest in Mars appear as one reader at Above Top Secret brief comment to refer to that object. "Martian Flower".

In the comments, someone by the name of Arken said, "Albedo (refleksitifas object will light the Sun) is very high object, the object is transparent, irregular, texture larger area smooth and seems to be on the ground. This is the second anomaly transparent objects detected in Gale Crater (Curiosity landing place). "

This object was originally suspected debris from Curiosity. The reason, in October last, Curiosity also semoat capture transparent objects. Setekah investigated, it turns transparent object is garbage Curiosity alone.

However, Guy Webster, a spokesman for NASA said that it was not a plastic garbage Curiosity. Object that seems to be part of the Mars rock, not the spacecraft debris, "he said

If it turns out the original came from Mars, might indicate the nature of transparency in the conditions that support life on Mars? Could that object is organic material?

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